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Los correos solo se responderán de lunes a viernes de 10 a 11 am y de 21 a 22 hrs. Por favor paciencia!
To reserve...
Step 01
Fill out the template below with the requested information and we will respond as soon as possible with the value of your stay ...
Step 02
Make a bank transfer (credit) with 50% of the cost of your stay and send us an e-mail with the receipt
Name: tambo Cia. Ltda.
Ruth: 76.252.684-0
Bank: BCI
Current account: 76727050
Step 03
When you retire, cancel the remaining amount in cash or via transfer.
The rest is to enjoy !!!
If repentest to visit us , you have a period of 2 weeks before your stay to give notice and we will refund your payment.
If you do not notify us and keep your reservation, the payment of the amount paid will be effective.
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